Saturday, September 6, 2008

Progress Report #9

September 6, 2008...Continuing to clear the homesite...are you bored yet? We are in that phase of pushing ourselves despite what we actually "want" to be doing...but I do believe the end is in sight. We have a definite "hole" now where the house will go, just need to remove several more trees, then call Mr. W. to remove the stumps.

Some photos from today:

It rained today. Did we quit? NO WAY!...Here's proof...the back of J-Bird's head, raindrops dripping from his hair. (He was actually quite miserable during this time, and suggested many times that we go home...but character is not built by "going home!") Later the sun came out and his spirits improved!

Lest you think we're working the boys too hard...proof that we do let them sit down once in awhile. J-Bird is looking towards the homesite...watching the brush burn.

Here's a shot looking down the driveway. The house will sit off to the left...the hemlock at the left of the photo will be where the drive makes a right turn towards the house.

One good thing about all this monotonous work is that we finally have a "rhythm." When we get to the property, all tools and necessary equipment (like food & drink, of course!) are loaded into the 4-wheeler cart. J-Bird drives the 4-wheeler up the driveway, while we "old folk" hoof it up on foot, stopping half way to catch our breath. Hubby starts the brush fire, then begins cutting up brush or felling trees, depending on what needs done. J-Bird and I (and I-Bird and T-Bird if they come along...they don't, always) begin hauling brush to feed the fire. Physical activity is always hardest at the beginning, I've found. After you've been working for 20-30 minutes, you find your rhythm, and then it becomes easier. Before you know it, hours have passed, and you really want to keep going. Maybe it's just me. Here's our bonfire today...remember it was rainy, so we had difficulty starting it, but J-Bird and I fed it all afternoon and it really burned nicely. The fire is approximately where the garage will be. This photo gives you a good idea of the slope of the land in this spot. There are steeper places and flatter places. This is about the average.

At the end of the day, we were tired and dirty. J-Bird with his man-sized feet!:

Hubby...equally dirty: (and quite handsome, I might add! can't see his head...just take my word for it!)

And, just in case you think I just stand around, supervise, and take photos, here are my boots...wet and dirty...and the rest of me wasn't much better!

We'll be back at it tomorrow, Lord willing! Stop by...and don't forget your chainsaw. We'll provide your lunch.

Stay tuned,

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