Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Progress Report #11

September 21, 2008...Worked on the land for a few hours today. Joe helped load HUGE logs into the bucket of the magnatrac that Hubby drove to the side of the property and dumped...hear me...DUMPED into a pile. Those buggers aren't getting stacked ANY TIME in the near future. Joe thought that a few of them weighed in at well over 100 pounds!

My brother, Bryan, and his fiance, Mindy, were visiting from Kentucky and left today. We don't see them very often (only once a year, or so), so it was sad to see them go. We said our good-byes at the property, as we had gone there after lunch to work, and they stopped on their way out of town. Next visit, Lord willing, we'll have A HOME to show them!!!

Hubby has taken this Thursday and Friday off work, and, along with the weekend, we hope to finally finish clearing the lot. We have Mr. W. lined up to remove stumps next week, and possibly dig the footers, so framing can hopefully begin by mid-October!

Maybe then I'll have pictures of something other than WOOD to post.

Stay tuned,

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Framing! What an exciting thing given all your hard work to get up until this point!

THough I suspect, the photos will be of wood for a LONG time to come- it will be the treated kind! ;-)