Sunday, August 31, 2008

Progress Report #7

August 16, 2008...If we had WANTED this tree to fall precisely between these two other trees, displacing and disorganizing our neatly stacked wood, it never would've happened, right?

Bright made the tree easier to cut, not being flat on the ground after it fell.

Here's a shot looking up the future driveway...notice the RE-STACKED wood on the left.

More wood photos...are you bored yet? I do find stacked wood a thing of beauty...I know, I'm weird.

In other news, hubby talked to Mr. W about removing stumps for us...a job that is proving to be a lot more time consuming than we envisioned. While our machine has done a fine job of digging trenches and hauling shale, stump removal has us a bit "stumped." Time to call in the reinforcements! He has assured us that 8-10 hours should be plenty to clear the driveway and building site, then we can begin digging for the footers...Lord willing the second or third week of September!

A bit of irony...Mr. W thought the turn in the driveway might be a bit sharp for the larger trucks, so he recommended...can you believe it?...removing the two trees in the photos above...hence, we will have to move all that wood, AGAIN!!! Talk about a Sisyphean task!

Stay tuned,