Saturday, August 9, 2008

Progress Report #2

August work on the land.

August 6th...went back to continue road work. I am grateful for 2 things this day: First, my hubby is no wimp!; Second, my hubby is NOT allergic to hornet stings! Apparently, hornets sometimes make their nests on the ground. (I think hubby told me this once, but it wasn't information that I needed at the time, so I relegated it to the deep recesses of my mind). Apparently, when hornets make their nests on the ground, they do not like humans who are trying to weed-whack in their peaceful hornet environment, and will defend their football-shaped nest (which can also resemble a large rock) with nasty stings on the legs of the offender. (Sorry - hubby said NO pictures!) Once the pain subsided, work continued and we got a large path cut down to the small stream where we need to install the culvert. Need to check Monday on the status of the culvert permit.

August 7th...took truck for brake work on the land.

August 8th...returned to the land armed with fire power to remove hornet threat, only to find that someone had beat us to it. Was it the neighbors? Had they heard hubby's cries of pain and come (albeit the next day...) to investigate? Or an animal? It is a mystery, but I am thankful.

August 9th...we rented a dual-axle trailer to move our Magnatrac to the land. It took most of the day, needing 2 trips in total to move the machine and all the attachments, plus picking up and dropping off the trailer. I'll post pictures of the machine in a future post.

This coming week will be our big push to get as much clearing done as possible. Hubby's on vacation, so all efforts will be concentrated on road work and building site preparation. More pictures to come!

Stay tuned,


The mom~ster said...

hope you get alot done this week ;o)

Rebecca said...

hey YOU!!!! Finally we have internet access up and running again (albeit on the floor in the corner), and I have been enjoying getting caught up-and finding out you went ahead and DID it! You started blogging! I am so thrilled to be kept up to date on your progress! What a grand adventure it is! Hope you are all well!

A Happy Wife said...

God continues to stretch us and show us that He has a plan that doesn't always coincide with ours. A minor setback yesterday actually gave us time today and tomorrow to do some things we hadn't planned on it's all for our good!

So glad you found me!!! This is really fun...although I find myself thinking "Can I blog about this?" throughout the day...I want this to be an authentic representation of our experience...not an excuse to do this or that...I see that will be a challenge now. Did you see I referenced your blog in one of my first few posts? I hope that's OK...not sure what the etiquette is for doing that. I would certainly remove it if you wish. (And I haven't figured out how to link without putting in the whole URL...still learning as I go.) So glad you said "Hi!"
