Monday, June 8, 2009

We Were Framed!

June 8, 2009...Framing began today. A crew of 2...yes, just Amish and one English, began framing the first floor walls. The view from the driveway, approaching the house:

Here's a closer look. You can see the large opening where the garage door will be. The first floor will have 9' ceilings.

View from the back of the house. The second floor porch will extend from the concrete walls in the back all the way around the front of the house. The entire porch is under roof, so will be somewhat usable even in inclement weather. If rain comes in one side...we'll just move to the other!

Building materials ready and waiting:

Here's Ray the Amish builder perched atop the younger boys' bedroom wall:

Another shot of Ray, and his English partner:

Ray thinks they'll have the second floor started on Wednesday...I'm really excited to get up there and check-out the view!

And, here's a bit of excitement...this poor black snake was stretched across our road on our way to the looked like a stick and I ran right over it. But sticks don't curl up like this when you hit them! I thought he was a goner, but when we left the property about 30 minutes later, he was nowhere in sight. He was probably 5-6 feet long, maybe 1 1/2 " diameter. I know these are beneficial to keep the rodents in check, but I don't look forward to meeting one when I'm on foot (although it's likely I will at some time!)

Stay tuned,


Anonymous said...


by logcabinlady

The mom~ster said...

caring about that snake is compassion at its most amazing I think...sounds like great progress

A Happy Wife said...

Not so much compassion as it is acceptance...snakes, ticks, and big spiders are all part of the bargain...and black snakes really ARE beneficial...(or at least that's what everyone says.) The day I find one in my home I may feel differently. ;-)