Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Death of a Dream...Birth of a Dream

A blogger friend of mine, Rebecca, recently wrote here:
(you'll have to highlight, copy, & paste the link until I learn how to do it right!)
about her struggles with major life changes. Like us, she and her family are packing up their life and starting another one. She speaks more eloquently than I can about the heartache that accompanies such decisions. That even though there are good and promising things on the horizon, there is loss and disappointment in the present. Things to let go of, ties that will be broken, in many ways...the death of a dream.

I so understand her pain. Because over the years, I've experienced that death. Hopes dashed. Efforts thwarted. Desires for a certain kind of life that would never be.

But, now I can see the hand of God at work. Even our struggles are part of His plan for us, part of the intricate web of life that He has knitted together for us before the foundation of the Earth.

About 20 years ago, He brought a young couple into our lives whose friendship would become very dear to us. And although we lost contact for several years, our families' lives have followed similar paths. God then brought this couple (now a family expecting their 4th child - just like us!) back into our lives at precisely the right time - when we were struggling with the road we were on and looking for another one. We had no idea that the "G" family would make us an offer, "You guys should buy our land!," that would provide us with the opportunity we so earnestly desired...the birth of a dream.

But, like Rebecca, I am realizing that moving on is not "easy." As much as I'm looking forward to this new phase in our lives and the rich, family time it will bring, there is pain. Some dreams must die for others to take root and thrive. Through it all, we remain thankful.

We are grateful to our friends and family members who have become such an integral part of this move. We COULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN THIS FAR without you...and I hope you know how appreciated you are! We still have a lot of work ahead of us (we're really just getting started), but we're looking forward with great anticipation to what God has for us. He is faithful.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

The mom~ster said...

Isn't it good to know that God is Sovreign and unchanging in the midst of life's ups and downs. And even better that not one moment of our life is beyond His reach.